2024 - 2025 College Catalog 
    Sep 19, 2024  
2024 - 2025 College Catalog

PEDH 245 - Child Abuse and SAVE Seminar

Credit Hours: 1
Lecture Hours: 1
Laboratory (or Other) Hours: 0

Prerequisite(s): Instructor permission only
Corequisite(s): None
Restriction(s): Enrollment in either the Physical Education Studies program or the Recreation and Sports Management program

This course meets the requirement for mandated reporters in child abuse identification and reporting in the State of New York, Chapter 544 of the laws of 1988, as well as the components necessary for the completion of Safe Schools Against Violence in Education training, introduced into law in 2001.

Student Learning Outcomes of the Course: Objective: The student will be able to…

  1. Define what constitutes “abuse”, “maltreatment”, and “neglect” according to the New York State Family Court Act and Social Services Law.
  2. Distinguish among various behavioral and environmental characteristics of abusive parents or caregivers.
  3. Identify physical and behavioral indicators of physical abuse, maltreatment and neglect.
  4. Contrast the physical and behavioral indicators of sexual abuse.
  5. Describe situations in which mandated reporters must report suspected cases of child abuse or maltreatment.
  6. Describe what constitutes “reasonable cause to suspect” that a child has been abused or maltreated.
  7. Outline the proper procedure for making a report of suspected child abuse.
  8. List what actions certain mandated reporters might take to protect a child in addition to filing a child abuse report.
  9. Describe the legal protections afforded mandated reporters and the consequences for failing to report.
  10. Identify the goal of the Safe Schools Against Violence in Education (SAVE) legislation.
  11. Discuss the importance of data collection related to school safety;
  12. Discuss how the components of the SAVE legislation interface in the prevention of violence in the schools.
  13. Describe how educational, legal/regulatory and environmental domains promote school safety within the SAVE legislation.
  14. Discuss risk and protective factors related to school violence.