Jan 17, 2025
2024 - 2025 College Catalog
SUNY General Education Requirement
The SUNY General Education Requirement (SUNY-GER) enables students to acquire knowledge and skills that are useful and important for all educated persons, regardless of their jobs or professions. (SUNY Board of Trustees Resolution, January 2010).
Effective fall 2023, SUNY has updated the General Education (GE) Framework system-wide for all AA, AS, and baccalaureate degrees. AAS and AOS degrees must implement the new SUNY General Education requirements starting in fall 2024 (most AAS degrees at Delhi have updated their requirements starting in fall 2023 to assist students who plan to continue their education at the baccalaureate level).
- Double-Dipping: Courses listed in more than one GE subject area may be used to meet the requirement for both areas. Students who fulfill two requirements with one course must still take the minimum credits of GE course work required for their degree program as explained below. For example, at SUNY Delhi, the Core Competency requirements are combined with other Knowledge and Skills areas:
- The Critical Thinking and Reasoning competency is embedded in all Natural Sciences and Scientific reasoning courses and
- The Information Literacy competency is embedded in all Written Communication courses
- Students are responsible to complete the SUNY-GER requirements and should work with their advisor to plan courses that will meet all requirements.
- Students in associate degree programs who plan to transfer to a SUNY four-year school should plan their GE courses to satisfy the requirements of the baccalaureate degree program, since all SUNY institutions are subject to the same General Education requirements.
- General Education requirements can not be satisfied or waived based on high school coursework or Regents exam scores.
- Some AP exams and college coursework taken during high school may satisfy General Education requirements. Students must submit an official score report from College Board to be reviewed.
Transfer Students:
- Transfer coursework shall satisfy the same GE category at Delhi that it satisfied at the sending SUNY campus, even if the corresponding equivalent course at Delhi is not a GE course. If a transfer course is not satisfying the correct GE category, contact the Registrar’s Office to correct it.
- As noted above, SUNY Delhi has embedded the two core competencies in courses that satisfy other required Knowledge and Skills areas. Transfer courses may not be similarly combined, but you are still required to meet these competencies.
- Students who previously matriculated at another SUNY campus who were following the 2010 General Education requirements are permitted to continue following that General Education framework after transferring to SUNY Delhi. If this does not happen automatically, please ask your advisor to contact the Registrar’s Office to add the “GT10” attribute to your student record (if you are eligible).
NOTE: The requirements listed here are SUNY minimum requirements; some degree programs may require additional credits and/or categories.
AOS and AAS Degree Programs
General Education Credit Requirement: |
AOS Degree Programs: There is no minimum GE credit requirement for AOS degrees; students must meet area/course requirements. Some courses required for AOS degree programs have General Education learning outcomes embedded. These courses are listed separately here: General Education: AOS General Education Courses
AAS Degree Programs: Students must earn a minimum of twenty (20) credits in General Education.
Required Knowledge and Skills areas: |
- Written Communication (23WC )
- Oral Communication (23OC )
- Diversity: Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice (23DV )
- Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning (23MA )
- Natural Sciences and Scientific Reasoning (23NS )
Two required Core Competencies: |
- Critical Thinking and Reasoning (23RE ) - embedded in GE Natural Sciences courses at Delhi
- Information Literacy (23IL ) - embedded in GE Written Communications courses at Delhi
AA, AS, and Baccalaureate Degree Programs
General Education Credit Requirement: |
AA and AS Degree Programs: Students must earn a minimum of thirty (30) credits in General Education courses.
BA and BS Degree Programs: Students must earn a minimum of thirty (30) credits in General Education courses during their first 60 credits (2 years) of study.
Specialized Bachelor Degree Programs (BArch, BBA, BSN and BT): Students must earn a minimum of thirty (30) credits in General Education courses, 20 of which must be completed during their first 60 credits (2 years) of study.
Required Knowledge and Skills areas: |
- Written Communication (23WC )
- Oral Communication (23OC )
- Diversity: Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice (23DV )
- Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning (23MA )
- Natural Sciences and Scientific Reasoning (23NS )
Two required Core Competencies: |
- Critical Thinking and Reasoning (23RE ) - embedded in GE Natural Sciences courses at Delhi
- Information Literacy (23IL ) - embedded in GE Written Communications courses at Delhi
A minimum of three of the additional required Knowledge and Skills areas: |
Some degree programs require more than three Knowledge and Skills electives. Consult with your advisor and review Degree Works to ensure that you take the right courses/categories for your degree.
- Social Sciences (23SS )
- US History and Civic Engagement (23UC )
- World History and Global Awareness (23WG )
- Humanities (23HU )
- The Arts (23AR )
- World Languages (23WL )